online masterclasses
When you join an ethos online masterclass, you’re in for a highly interactive experience. There aren’t many slides, and there’s definitely no lecturing going on here. We’re interested in participative dialogue, and our sessions are designed with that in mind.
Every one of our masterclasses will engage you in conversation, encourage you to participate in polls and questionnaires, and even invite you to draw on the screen while we’re in a discussion.
Our online sessions are fun, involving and we guarantee you won’t be bored!
Browse below to explore our current range of 60 min online masterclasses, and if you’d like to book a masterclass for your organisation, please contact bruce.milroy@ethosconsulting.co.uk to discuss how we can help
Checking in, not checking up
In a remote working environment where everyone is super busy, it’s important to adopt a supportive management style. In this session we’ll explore the impact of how your style can affect the performance of your team either positively or negatively. We’ll provide tools and ideas on how to “Check in” with your team members, creating an environment that allows everyone to perform well.
Dealing with stress & anxiety
This session focuses on some practical guidance on how to establish and maintain balance in your life. We’ll explore how you think and what you think about, how you structure your day, and how you design you ideal day to make you feel strong and competent whatever you’re doing.
Great wellbeing conversations
Whether at work or home, having strong reliable relationships can provide valuable support in times of need. Powerful relationships can be a big help in managing our feelings of anxiety or stress and help us to be resilient.
In this session, we explore how to recognise when people around you may need support, and discuss how we can use our conversational skills to offer support when it’s required.
Leadership and management in times of change
In this interactive session, we’ll ask you to consider a “live” change you are going through right now and consider different ways you might manage or lead that specific change. We’ll also explore a pragmatic model of change that can help you lead your teams through uncertain times.
Leading in VUCA times
Leading in these Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) times isn’t easy. In this session we will discuss how to effectively lead your teams during challenging uncertain times, requiring skills that are very different to the normal technically specific skills leaders have typically used in the past.
Managing your self talk
If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I can’t do this”, then this session is for you. We explain the powerful impact the voice in your head can have on your mood, your behaviour, and your ability to live a balanced daily life. We provide you with frameworks to raise your self awareness and manage how you think.
Thriving in a volatile and uncertain world
In the middle of a crisis it’s pretty normal to feel overwhelmed and frightened by what’s happening. In this session we unpack what it feels like to be at work right now, and explore how we can maintain a frame of mind that allows us to stay in a happy, balanced and confident place.